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National Weather Service Recognizes Bismarck Resident

Louise Yates has been a National Weather Service (NWS) cooperative observer for 50 years (since 1965). During that time, she took daily rainfall observations in the Bismarck (Hot Spring County) area.

For her efforts, the Edward H. Stoll Award was bestowed on Mrs. Yates on September 17, 2015.

In the picture: Louise Yates (center) accepted her award from Steve Drillette (right), the Meteorologist in Charge of the National Weather Service (NWS) in Little Rock. Helping with the award presentation was Mike Asmus, Quality Assurance Specialist at the NWS Southern Region Headquarters in Fort Worth, TX. Click to enlarge.

The station at Bismarck was established at the request of the Vicksburg Corps of Engineers to aid in the construction of Lake DeGray Dam. Construction on the dam began in 1962 and was completed in 1972 to generate electricity for the Southwestern Power Administration serving Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma.

In the picture: Louise Yates (center) stands with Mike Asmus (left), Quality Assurance Specialist at the National Weather Service (NWS) Southern Region Headquarters in Fort Worth, TX, Dave Scheibe (second from left), Observations Program Leader at NWS Little Rock, AR (LZK), Steve Drillette (second from right), the Meteorologist in Charge at NWS LZK, and Tabitha Clarke (right), Service Hydrologist at NWS LZK. Click to enlarge.

Without the devotion of Mrs. Yates (and other cooperative observers), it would be somewhat difficult to figure out storm rainfall totals, or to determine climate in rural areas. That is why the NWS is very grateful for the assistance. Only rare individuals commit themselves to such dedicated public service.

Image courtesy: National Weather Service

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